As the food division of a pharmaceutical company, we believe that product quality and safety are of primary importance. We regularly review the management systems of our suppliers and subcontractors that manufacture our raw materials, ensuring to enhance customers’ trust in our products.
Quality Policy
As the food division of a pharmaceutical drug manufacturer, we believe that product quality and safety are of primary importance. Our day-to-day efforts to ensure product quality and safety and enhance customers’ trust in our products include the following: having our suppliers and subcontractors that manufacture raw materials constantly improve their management systems and continuously improving our in-house systems and educating personnel.
Initiatives for Quality Improvement
We implement initiatives for quality improvement in three aspects.
Raw material suppliers
We purchase large quantities of raw materials from suppliers in and outside Japan. We have put in place a system to inspect raw materials upon arrival, checking them against a well-organized set of necessary information on products and raw materials. In cases of even the smallest doubt, thorough and rigorous examination is conducted to ensure that only raw materials of assured quality are purchased.
We also appeal to our suppliers for continued improvement in manufacturing and quality control through surveys on manufacturing, quality control, and environmental hygienic conditions and on-site inspections at respective plants.
Collaboration with manufacturing subcontractors
We commission the manufacturing of many products to our partner companies. To ensure that products are manufactured precisely to the desired level of quality, we endeavor to convey our intentions as accurately as possible, engaging in constant communication.
We also constantly reinforce product risk management, thereby ensuring product safety and quality, through periodic plant inspections and self-checks.
With Tajima Shokuhin Kogyo Co.Tajima Shokuhin Kogyo Co., Ltd., a Nippon Shinyaku Group company and the principal manufacturer of the Functional Food Division’s products, we hold a monthly information exchange meeting, maintaining close, collaborative ties and working together toward higher technological levels and product quality.
Reinforcement of in-house systems
To effectively manage external parties as described above, it is essential that we have firmly established internal systems ourselves. To do so, we repeat the PDCA cycle with a special focus on the points listed below, constantly striving for our further growth and the reinforcement of our internal systems:
- Prompt and precise response to requests from customers
- Accurate understanding of and response to related laws and institutional systems
- Reinforced communication with suppliers outside Japan
- Improvement and sharing of raw material- and product-related information
- Reinforced risk management covering all related divisions
To appropriately promote such efforts, we have established a food safety committee that shares information with related parties on quality and other aspects of raw materials, products, merchandise, and supplements; responds to quality problems and complaints; and draws up measures for recurrence prevention. The committee meets regularly (once a half-term).
Moreover, in addition to Nippon Shinyaku’s Company-wide monthly compliance training, the Functional Food Division provides all its staff members with monthly risk management training. The latter training is aimed at heightening their awareness of quality assurance, including the need to produce a manual on initial emergency responses for common use, and increasing their knowledge of laws and regulations on food advertisement and labeling, including the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and the Food Labeling Standards. We therefore strive to develop human resources who can contribute to solving social issues. We also conduct regular internal audits of food advertisement and labeling to enhance the confidence of all stakeholders, including customers and suppliers, in us.