Shigenobu Maekawa
The Nippon Shinyaku Group aims to be a company that plays a meaningful role in the healthcare sector. To achieve this goal, under the Business Philosophy “Helping people lead healthier, happier lives,” we declare “Supply unique and high-quality products,” “Earn the trust of society,” and “Develop each employee” as our Management Policy.
Under this policy, we work to grow sustainably by developing innovative new drugs and functional food products that provide new value. We believe that helping local communities and society at large to develop further is also an essential role for us to play as a community and societal member. Based on this viewpoint, we understand that we must conduct our business activities with a strong awareness of the environment, society, and corporate governance.
Nippon Shinyaku has upheld “Increase in corporate value by strengthening ESG management” as one of the priority targets of the Six Actions of the 6th Five-Year Medium-term Management Plan. As the uncertainty in our business environment is increasing, we work to enhance ESG management and reinforce our business foundation by making full use of our internal business resources with the aim of achieving sustainable growth.
Improvement of corporate value by ESG management cannot be achieved only with the efforts of management or a part of our organization. It is important for individuals to pay attention to the SDGs and to reflect them in their awareness and action. Each employee should incorporate itthe action for the sustainable growth of the society not only in their corporate activities but also in their individual daily lives, thereby achieving ESG management. We conduct daily business activities to help the society solve various problems which the world faces now, such as the poverty, famine, climate change and human rights issues.
Improvement of corporate value by ESG management cannot be achieved only with the efforts of management or a part of our organization. It is important for individuals to pay attention to the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and to reflect them in their awareness and action. Each employee should incorporate the action for the sustainable growth of the society not only in their corporate activities but also in their individual daily lives, thereby achieving ESG management.
We conduct daily business activities to help the society solve various problems which the world faces now, such as the poverty, famine, climate change and human rights issues.
We also understand that it is most important in our corporate management to maintain transparency and remain accountable to all of our stakeholders. We are therefore continuing our effort to further improve our system of corporate governance so that it can keep functioning most effectively.
It is my hope that, as we continue with our endeavors, we may continue to enjoy your kind support and understanding.

Shigenobu Maekawa