Response to Climate Change

Basic Attitude and Targets

Conscious of the impact of climate change caused by global warming, Nippon Shinyaku is committed to reducing CO2 emissions through various approaches, including reduction of its energy consumption. As a long-term target in this regard, we are working toward 6,088 t-CO2 by FY 2030 (42% reduction from the FY 2020 benchmark) and zero CO2 emissions by FY 2050. In January 2024, our CO2 emissions reduction target was certified by SBTi as a science-based target.

Basic Attitude and Targets

Reducing CO2 emissions and Energy Consumption

In FY2022, Nippon Shinyaku’s Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions were 9,182 t-CO2, a decrease of 14.4% from the FY2020 benchmark, while its energy consumption was 239,000 GJ, an increase of 3% from the FY2020 benchmark.
Although our energy consumption increased from the FY2020 level, we were able to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions as a result of our introduction of renewable energy in FY2021.
To achieve net-zero emissions by FY2050, we will continue our efforts not only to replace old equipment with new equipment but also to review equipment operating hours, temperature settings, etc. We will also consider increasing our use of renewable energy, including introducing solar power generation equipment.

CO2 emissions

CO2 emissions

Total energy consumption

Total energy consumption

Supply chain emissions (FY2022 results)

Supply chain emissions (FY2022 results)

Breakdown of energy consumption by source

●Town gas
Town gas

1. Switching to renewable energy

In April 2021, we began the switch to enewable energy, which is expected to reduce CO2 missions by 50% in the Head Office area. In November 2022, the Odawara Central Factory began switching to hydroelectric power, which is expected to reduce their CO2 emissions by 6% in the current fiscal year. In addition, in April 2022, a solar power generator was installed at the Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba, which is expected to reduce the CO2 emissions of the entire premises by 12%. We will continue to consider switching to and expanding our renewable energy sources, including solar power generators.

2. Reducing energy consumption through equipment improvement

On the occasion of equipment renewal, we renew air-conditioning refrigerators, boilers, and total heat exchangers. We have also been gradually replacing conventional lighting equipment with LED equipment and installing motion detectors on lighting equipment. Through these measures, we aim to reduce CO2 emissions, thereby contributing to climate change alleviation.

At the Odawara Central Factory, we introduced highly efficient chillers at the time of the renewal of air-conditioning refrigerators. At the Tokyo Office, ice thermal storage equipment (*) was introduced to level off consumption peaks.
(* This shifts daytime power consumption for air conditioning to night time, with the use of ice heat stored in the thermal storage tank during the night.)

Chillers for highly bioactive formulation building (Odawara Central Factory)

3. Introducing hybrid company-owned vehilcle representatives

By introducing hybrid vehicles for our sales activities and also encouraging employees to use public transportation systems while in urban centers, we are promoting measures to better respond to climate change and raising employee awareness.
Nippon Shinyaku’s company-owned vehicles will be entirely replaced by hybrid cars over a four-year period starting fromFY2020, except in heavy snowfall areas. In FY2022, hybrid cars already accounted for 80% of the company’s fleet of sales vehicles.

CO2 emissions from sales vehicles

CO2 emissions from sales vehicles

Percentage of hybrid cars among the company’s sales vehicles

Percentage of hybrid cars among the company’s sales vehicles

4. Energy conservation following the guidelines for saving electricity and energy

We are making company-wide power and energy-saving efforts, following the guidelines for saving electricity and energy drawn up by an in-house committee specifically established to promote conservation initiatives. Concrete company-wide power-saving measures range from appropriate indoor temperature settings to encouraging personnel to turn off all unnecessary lights and use stairways instead of elevators. We are also promoting energy-saving measures designed to fit closely to the flextime system and the decreased numbers of days employees work at the company workplaces.

Expanding initiatives

In addition to equipment renewal, equipment operating hours and temperature settings are also continuously reviewed to improve our energy-saving performance. In FY 2021, the introduction of renewable energy sources commenced. Initiatives involving the use of renewable energy, including the installation of solar power generators, will be further examined and implemented.

5. Participation in the FPMAJ Action Plan toward Low-carbon Society

Nippon Shinyaku participates in the Action Plan toward Low-carbon Society that the Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ Associations of Japan (FPMAJ) formulated at the request of Keidanren (the Japan Business Federation).
Nippon Shinyaku observes climate-change-related regulations imposed by the Japanese government under the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures. The company submits a report of its energy consumption, the progress of its efforts to achieve its energy-saving targets, and its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the authorities every year.

Undergoing a third-party verification review of data on CO2 emissions and energy consumption

To increase the reliability of the environmental information it provides, Nippon Shinyaku has undergone a verification review performed by SOCOTEC Certification Japan a third-party organization, according to applicable verification standards (ISO 14064-3:2019 and SOCOTEC Certification Japan’s verification procedure). The review covered Scope 1 CO2 emissions, Scope 2 CO2 emissions, and energy consumption disclosed by Nippon Shinyaku.

In-house Awareness-raising Education

The importance and necessity of environmental protection are covered in a range of in-house training and educational programs, including intranet-based training programs. These programs contribute to raising and maintaining employees’ environmental awareness.