ESG Data

Environment related Data

Material Flow Data


Classification Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Materials Raw materials t 244 288 318
Packaging materials t 302 245 475
Energy Electricity 1,000 kWh 15,350 15,881 17,884
Heavy oil kL 0 0 0
Kerosene kL 1 0 0
City gas 1,000 m3 1,523 1,562 1,471
LPG 1,000 m3 9 6 0
Gasoline kL 428 398 404
Diesel kL 3 3 2
Water consumption Tap water 1,000 m3 58 54 58
Well water 1,000 m3 107 101 69


Classification Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Products Shipped products t 483 479 574
Transported products 10,000 t-km 10 13 12
Gas & Water emissions CO2emissions
t-CO2 9,685 9,182 7,283
Wastewater*1 1,000 m3 165 155 127
Waste substances*1 Amount generated t 363 388 390
Final amount of landfilled waste t 4.7*2 2.3 2.0
Percentage of landfilled waste % 1.3 0.6 0.5
Percentage of recycled waste plastic % 87.9 88.5 88.5
Percentage of recycled waste % 83.3 84.5 84.9
Container and package recycling Waste containers and packages
(Amount contracted out as post-consumer recovered waste)*3
t 170 172 206
Hazardous waste (Class I Designated Chemical Substances) handled Dichloromethane kg 2,483 1,349 968
N-hexane kg 2,729 2,575 2,286
Toluene kg 1,346 203 12
Total amount of hazardous waste kg 6,558 4,127 3,266
Amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) handled Toluene kg 1,346 203 12
Ethyl acetate kg 4,739 4,264 3,468
Methanol kg 11,330 8,860 8,266
Dichloromethane kg 2,483 1,349 968
Acetone kg 1,613 1,420 2,286
n-hexane kg 2,729 2,575 2,286
Ethanol kg 11,168 11,229 9,801
Tetrahydrofuran kg 2,699 539 213
Acetonitrile kg 6,633 5,558 31,111
Total amount of
VOCs handled
kg 44,740 35,997 58,411
  • *1: Main business locations: Head Office area, Odawara Central Factory, Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba.
  • *2: The figure includes approximately 0.9t of unused equipment and other landfilled waste arising from the dismantling of buildings on the site of Odawara Central Factory in addition to normal business activities.
  • *3: Waste containers and packaging (FY2020 entrusted amount for recycling)

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by business site

Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Head Offices Scope 1 t-CO2 1,597 1,549 1,159
Scope 2 t-CO2 1,775 1,115 0
Odawara Central Factory Scope 1 t-CO2 1,832 1,970 1,870
Scope 2 t-CO2 2,657 2,836 2,622
Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba Scope 1 t-CO2 16 17 15
Scope 2 t-CO2 394 358 307
Sales offices Scope 1 t-CO2 1,004 934 904
Scope 2 t-CO2 410 403 406
Main business locations t-CO2 8,271 7,845 5,973
Sales offices, etc. t-CO2 1,414 1,337 1,310

Monitored annual GHG emissions from the supply chain

Units FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Scope 1 emissions: Direct GHG emissions from owned or controlled sources t-CO2 4,964 4,738 4,910 4,366
Scope 2 emissions: Indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased energy (electricity, heat and steam) t-CO2 6,765 5,852 5,204 4,057
Scope 1, 2 Total t-CO2 11,729 10,590 10,114 8,423
Scope 3
Category 1 Purchased products and services
t-CO2 163,905 171,906 188,834 212,430
Scope 3
Category 2 Capital goods
t-CO2 13,385 14,639 20,043 46,557
Scope 3
Category 3 Fuel-and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2
t-CO2 1,924 1,938 1,942 1,685
Scope 3
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution
t-CO2 678 721 658 271
Scope 3
Category 5 Waste generated in operations
t-CO2 223 225 208 207
Scope 3
Category 6 Business travel
t-CO2 233 235 233 243
Scope 3
Category 7 Employee commuting
t-CO2 231 270 287 446
Scope 3
Category 8 Upstream leased assets
t-CO2 <Not applicable>
Scope 3
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution
t-CO2 1,813 1,977 2,345 -*1
Scope 3
Category 10 Processing of sold goods
t-CO2 <Not applicable>
Scope 3
Category 11 Use of sold goods
t-CO2 <Not applicable>
Scope 3
Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products
t-CO2 99 139 140 390
Scope 3
Category 13 Downstream leased assets
t-CO2 628 628 628 625
Scope 3
Category 14 Franchises
t-CO2 <Not applicable>
Scope 3
Category 5 Investments
t-CO2 <Not applicable>
Scope 3 Total t-CO2 183,119 192,678 215,318 262,854
  • *1 : The calculation of emissions in FY2023 is incomplete as a portion of the data of the relevant pharmaceutical wholesalers is undisclosed at calculation time.

Environmental data by business site

Total energy consumption by business site

Total energy
Scope Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Main business locations* 1,000 GJ 209 216 228
Sales offices, etc. 1,000 GJ 24 23 22
Whole company 1,000 GJ 233 239 251
Electricity Scope Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Main business locations 1,000 kWh 14,400 14,916 16,975
Sales offices, etc. 1,000 kWh 950 965 908
Whole company 1,000 kWh 15,350 15,881 17,884
City gas Scope Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Main business locations 1,000 m3 1,521 1,560 1,467
Sales offices, etc. 1,000 m3 2 2 3
Whole company 1,000 m3 1,523 1,562 1,471
Water Scope Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Main business locations 1,000 m3 165 155 127
  • * Main business locations: Head Office area, Odawara Central Factory, Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba.

Water drawn and discharged

Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Destination of water discharge Sewers Head Offices 1,000 m3 30 25 24
Odawara Central Factory 1,000 m3 27 28 36
Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba 1,000 m3 1 1 1
Rivers Head Offices 1,000 m3 0 0 0
Odawara Central Factory 1,000 m3 107 101 65
Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba 1,000 m3 0 0 0
Total Head Offices 1,000 m3 30 25 24
Odawara Central Factory 1,000 m3 134 129 101
Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba 1,000 m3 1 1 1
Source of water drawn Tap water Head Offices 1,000 m3 30 25 24
Odawara Central Factory 1,000 m3 27 28 32
Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba 1,000 m3 1 1 1
Well water Head Offices 1,000 m3 0 0 0
Odawara Central Factory 1,000 m3 107 101 69
Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba 1,000 m3 0 0 0
Total Head Offices 1,000 m3 30 25 24
Odawara Central Factory 1,000 m3 134 129 101
Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba 1,000 m3 1 1 1

Waste data by business site

Waste substances generated Scope Units FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Head Offices t 185 155 166
Odawara Central Factory t 150 209 196
Discovery Research Laboratories in Tsukuba t 28 24 28
Whole company t 363 388 390

Putting Environmental Management System Certification into Action

Office name Acquired certifications Date of certification acquisition Last 3rd party review
Odawara Central Factory ISO14001 August 2004 February 2024 (Regular review)
Head office area business office KES Step2* June 2012 June 2024 (Review for renewal)

* Kyoto Environmental management system Standard (KES): An environmental management system standard operated by NPO KES Environmental Organization since 1999. Over 5,000 businesses have now registered.

List of ISO 14001-certified business sites (as of February 2024)

Office name Number of business sites that have proven to have major environmental impacts as a result of environmental impact assessment Number of ISO 14001-certified business sites Percentage of ISO 14001-certified business sites
Odawara Central Factory 1 1 100%

Environmental Accounting

Environmental conservation costs *1

Units:Thousands of yen

Costs FY2022 FY2023
Investments Expenses Investments Expenses
Costs within our business areas Pollution prevention costs*2 130,743 55,918 100,100 65,395
Global environmental conservation costs*3 66,270 198,527 220,350 177,187
Resource recycling costs*4 0 50,047 1,329 58,110
Upstream & downstream costs*5 0 5,499 0 7,147
Management activity costs*6 0 73,905 56,781 77,056
R&D costs 0 0 0 0
Social activity costs*7 0 34,384 0 11,029
Environmental remediation costs 0 0 0 82
Total 197,014 418,281 378,560 396,006

Environmental conservation benefits

Units FY2022 FY2023 Year on year change Year on year rate
CO2emissions t-CO2 9,182 7,283 -1,899 79.3%
 Electricity usage 1,000 kWh 15,881 17,884 2,003 112.6%
 Heavy oil & kerosene usage kL 0 0 0 -
 City gas & LPG usage 1,000 m3 1,562 1,471 -91 94.2%
 Gasoline & diesel usage kL 401 406 5 101.2%
Water consumption (main business locations) 1,000 m3 155 127 -28 81.9%
Waste substances generated (main business locations) t 389 390 1 100.3%
Final amount of landfilled waste (main business locations) t 2.3 2.0 0 87.0%
  • *1: Costs aimed at reducing the environmental impact caused by business activities. We compiled them based on “Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005” published by the Ministry of the Environment.
  • *2: Costs related to environmental damage prevention due to pollution such as water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution, etc.
  • *3: Costs related to global warming prevention, energy-saving activities, etc.
  • *4: Costs related to proper disposal of waste, recycling etc.
  • *5: Consignment fee for recycling of containers and packaging (costs for collection and recycling of packaging containers for pharmaceuticals, etc. in Nippon Shinyaku), etc.
  • *6: Costs related to maintenance and operation of EMS (Environmental Management System) and environmental education of employees.
  • *7: Costs related to offering classes to elementary schools in Kyoto city, greening in the workplace, regional cleanup activities, etc.

Social related Data

Employees & Promoting Women in the Workplace

Classification Units FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Management Total number of managers persons 329 331 343 301 314
Number of female managers persons 32 34 38 40 42
Ratio of female managers % 9.7 10.3 11.1 13.3 13.4
Executives Total number of executives persons 554 555 571 596 614
Number of female executives persons 78 84 92 100 110
Ratio of female executives % 14.1 15.1 16.1 16.8 17.9
Number of employees Total number of employees persons 1,793 1,806 1,827 1,857 1,865
Number of female employees persons 516 529 552 565 582
Ratio of female employees % 28.8 29.3 30.2 30.4 31.2
Average age age 41.0 41.0 41.2 41.4 41.5
Average annual salary*1 Thousands of yen 7,919 7,958 8,061 8,151 7,835
Number of recruits Total number of recruits persons 92 85 68 84 75
Total number of recruits persons 79 76 57 62 68
Number of female recruits persons 28 33 28 20 27
Ratio of female recruits % 35.4 43.4 49.1 32.3 40
Number of mid-career hires persons 13 9 11 22 7
Number of female
mid-career hires
persons 1 2 1 2 1
Ratio of female
mid-career hires
% 7.7 22.2 9.1 9.1 14
Gender wage gap All employees*2 % - - - 79.1 78.8
Number of regular employees*2 % - - - 79.3 78.3
Number of non-regular employees*2 % - - - 83.1 91.9
Average years of service Average years of service years 17.8 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.4
Number of female employees years 18.1 16.7 16.5 16.6 16.4
Number of male employees years 17.7 17.6 17.8 17.8 17.9
Difference in average length of service for female and male employees years 0.4 0.9 1.3 1.2 1.5
Number of employees taking parental leave for childcare Number of employees taking parental leave for childcare male persons 7 14 30 61 51
Rate of uptake of parental leave for childcare male % 9.72 20.28 50 69.3 70.8
Number of employees taking parental leave for childcare Female persons 22 19 19 25 29
Rate of uptake of parental leave for childcare Female % 100 100 100 100 100
Paid annual leave acquisition rate % 71.3 63.5 63.5 69.6 71.8
Working hours Total annual working hours*3 hours 1791.60 1821.96 1819.89 1841.69 1854.32
Annual scheduled hours
actually worked*4
hours 1711.32 1750.94 1732.19 1730.98 1735.26
Annual scheduled working hours*5 hours 1840.01 1863.01 1855.34 1863.01 1863.01
Annual non-scheduled working hours hours 80.28 71.02 87.70 110.71 119.06
Employee turnover*6 % 1.68 1.97 1.66 1.92 2.0
Labor union membership rate*7 % - - - 58.8 57.7
  • *1: Tax-included amount including bonuses and non-standard wages
  • *2: Calculated based on the provisions of the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64 of 2015)
  • *3: Annual scheduled hours actually worked and annual non-scheduled working hours
  • *4: Actual working hours excluding days of leave taken and days of absence
  • *5: Hours calculated by multiplying the prescribed number of working days and working hours per day
  • *6: Due to personal reasons/selected retirement age
  • *7: In accordance with the collective agreement, 100% for employees who fall within the scope of union membership

Employees by type*1

Classification Units FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
1. Employees who retired voluntarily within the year % - 1.73 2.51 2.3
2. Non-regular employees % - 13.38 13.76 14.2
3. Employees with disabilities % - 1.67 1.76 1.8
4. Female employees % - 33.75 34.52 35.3

*1:Percentages throughout the Nippon Shinyaku Group

Human Resources Development

Classification Units FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
total per employee total per employee total per employee total per employee
Training hours by level
per employee
hours 13,070 7.23 18,296 10.01 19,015 10.2
Hours of self-development training per employee hours 19,381 10.73 18,835 10.32 71,477 38.3
Education and research expenses per employee Thousands of yen 79 83 84.9

Health Management

Units FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Periodical medical checkup rate 100% 100% 100% 100%
Follow-up checkup rate 58.2% 59.6% 66.4% 67.7%
Percentage of employees with normal weight 64.8% 67.0% 65.6% 65.4%
Smoking rate 15.1% 12.6% 8.5% 7.1%
Stress check participation rate 96.0% 95.8% 94.7% 94.8%
  • *BMI 18.5 or above and below 25


FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total amount of donations related to
social contribution activities
222,090,020 yen 220,587,322 yen 182,999,261 yen 106,062,463 yen

Governance related Data

Directors & Auditors

Classification Units FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Directors Number of directors persons 12 12 12 12 12
Number of external directors persons 4 4 4 4 4
Number of female directors persons 1 1 3 3 4
Ratio of female directors % 8 8 25 25 33
Auditors Number of auditors persons 4 4 4 4 4
Number of external auditors persons 2 2 2 2 2
Ratio of external auditors % 50 50 50 50 50

Compliance training

Classification Units FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Training for new employees times 1 1 1 1 1
Training for newly appointed supervisors times 2 2 2 2 2
Compliance training times 12 12 12 12 12

Number of reports/consultations through hotlines

Units FY2022 FY2023
Law and Company Rules case 9 6
Personnel (Treatment and Systems) case 3 1
Work Environment case 7 7
Other case 5 4
Total case 24 18

Number of fineable offenses against environmental laws and regulations and the amount of fines paid

Units FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of offenses case 0 0 0 0 0
Amount of fines paid yen 0 0 0 0 0