Nippon Shinyaku Sustainable Procurement Policy
Basic Rationale
Today, companies are required to not only provide products to users but also fulfill their social responsibility, from a CSR perspective, to comply with laws and regulations, safeguard human rights, preserve the environment, etc. throughout their supply chains.
As a company that aims to help people lead healthier, happier lives, Nippon Shinyaku declares that it will “Earn the Trust of Society” in its Management Policy. The Company will implement initiatives to carry out this policy in line with the Nippon Shinyaku Sustainable Procurement Policy.
Sustainable Procurement Policy
Our business is built on the support of our many business partners. We recognize our business partners as important business partners and aim to build a relationship of trust and mutual development.
Our management philosophy is "to contribute to the creation of healthy and affluent lives for people," and we must share this philosophy with our business partners and meet the expectations of society.
Based on this recognition, we will comply with laws and regulations and promote fair, human rights and environmentally conscious procurement throughout our supply chain in accordance with the policies described below.
1. Equitable business practices
We will select our suppliers based on fair and equitable assessment conducted from the perspectives of quality, the time required for delivery, ability in stable product supply, technological prowess, reliability, respect for the environment and human rights, prices, etc.
2. Cooperation based on mutual trust
Observing the principle of good faith, we will strive to build relationships of mutual cooperation with our suppliers based on the philosophy of coexistence and co-prosperity. We will appropriately manage the information we obtain in our deals with them and protect their confidentiality.
3. Compliance with laws, regulations and social norms
We will comply with laws and regulations of each country and conduct business transactions in line with corporate ethics and social norms.
4. Environmental commitment
To prevent environmental pollution and contribute to conserving the global environment and building a sustainable society, we will comply with the Nippon Shinyaku Basic Environmental Policy and take the following actions:
- (1) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- (2) Using energy and water efficiently
- (3) Appropriately managing wastewater and gaseous emissions
- (4) Reducing waste
- (5) Promoting recycling
- (6) Conserving biodiversity
5. Respect for human rights
To contribute to building a sound society where human rights are fully respected, we will comply with the Nippon Shinyaku Group Human Rights Policy and take the following actions:
- (1) Prohibiting, preventing and eliminating all forms of harassment and discrimination on the basis of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, thought or belief, sexual orientation, gender identification, academic background, physical or mental disability, illness, etc.
- (2) Rejecting child labor and forced labor
- (3) Respecting the freedom of association and the right of collective bargaining
- (4) Reducing overtime and paying the minimum wage or more
- (5) Creating a healthy and safe working environment
- (6) Seeking methods of upholding internationally recognized human rights even in countries and regions where basic human rights are not protected in the abovementioned manner
6. Commitment to animal welfare
When breeding animals or handling laboratory animals, we will appropriately treat those animals in compliance with animal-welfare-related laws and strive to minimize their pain and suffering.
Related Initiatives
Major initiatives
1. Conducting a questionnaire survey for socially responsible procurement
As part of our CSR initiatives and to build and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships founded on trust with our suppliers, we conduct a questionnaire survey among them, with their accord and cooperation, to gauge the status of their CSR initiatives. We use such survey results as selection bases and reference information.
At Nippon Shinyaku, we have established criteria by which suppliers’ CSR initiatives are evaluated, mainly those concerning compliance, integrity in corporate activities, service to society, information management, respect of human rights, and environmental protection and consideration. In addition to questionnaire surveys, we also solicit our suppliers’ cooperation in arranging factory visits and inspections and interviews with personnel, as the need arises.
2. Green purchasing
We adhere to the policy of consciously searching for and purchasing environmentally responsible products and services. We have set up our own in-house purchasing system that promotes “green” purchasing with concrete measures. For example, catalogues for office equipment and supplies preferentially show environmentally considerate products, and this approach is also effective in raising the employees’ awareness. We have also been continuing the purchase of paper products conforming to the Act on Promoting Green Purchasing.
3. Global purchasing
To ensure a stable supply of ingredients and other materials necessary for our pharmaceutical manufacturing, we maintain a wide network of suppliers in and outside Japan, purchasing from several companies as deemed necessary.
With our overseas suppliers, we try to strengthen our ties through regular communication on and mutual engagement in each other’s CSR initiatives.
Regarding the construction of a global supply chain, more information is available here.
4. Compliance with applicable laws and regulations
To ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations related to procurement, such as the Subcontract Act and the Customs Act, as well as with social norms, we are making constant effort to educate and share information with personnel. We maintain our procurement practices based on fair and free competition, appropriately responding to investigations and on-site inspections by the authorities.
To our suppliers
As part of its CSR initiatives and to build and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships founded on trust with suppliers, Nippon Shinyaku requests suppliers’ cooperation in conducting a questionnaire survey about the status of their CSR initiatives.
The results of such surveys are used as selection bases and reference information.
Nippon Shinyaku also requests its suppliers to conduct surveys about CSR activities in some cases.