Research & Development

Nippon Shinyaku’s Basic Policy for R&D

Offering quality pharmaceuticals at the earliest possible time

True to Nippon Shinyaku’s business philosophy, “Helping people lead healthier, happier lives,” in the pharmaceuticals division we aspire to offer innovative quality pharmaceutical drugs to people troubled by ill health, thus alleviating their suffering and enhancing their wellbeing. We strive to do this by focusing on the areas where Nippon Shinyaku’s strengths shine in particular.

Fields of Focus

We strive to do this by concentrating our managerial resources on promoting R&D and maximizing the product value in four fields of focus: urology, hematology, intractable and rare diseases (e.g., pulmonary arterial hypertension [PAH], muscular dystrophy), and gynecology.

Fields of Focus Fields of Focus

Fundamental Technologies

For the future, on our drug discovery foundation that has given birth to the small molecule drug Uptravi, we are adding new modalities and technologies, including nucleic acid molecules, gene therapy, and nucleic DDS technology, further building distinctive drug discovery capabilities not found among other pharmaceutical companies.

Product development

CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls) activities are indispensable to develop candidate compounds identified in explorative research into drugs and bring them to patients who need them. CMC activities include process research to establish technologies to mass-produce active pharmaceutical ingredients, research into analytical methods for quality assurance, and formulation development to facilitate product use by patients.