Toru Nakai

Toru Nakai

Toru Nakai

Representative Director, President

Date of birth : December 23, 1971


April 1995 Joined the Company
April 2016 Department Manager, Business Planning Department
April 2018 Acting General Manager, Corporate Planning (NS Pharma, Inc.)
April 2019 General Manager, Global Business Division, Attached to Global Business Division (NS Pharma, Inc.)
June 2019 Director
June 2019 General Manager, Global Business; Head of Global Business Division
June 2021 Representative Director, President (current position)

Reasons for Appointment

Having joined the Company in 1995, Mr. Toru Nakai took up the post of, among others, Department Manager, Business Planning Department, from 2016, and in 2018 he was transferred to U.S. subsidiary NS Pharma, Inc. to serve as General Director, Corporate Planning of U.S. branch. In 2019, he was General Manager, Global Business Division and later became Director in charge of Global Business. He assumed the position of President (current position) from 2021. As evidenced by the foregoing, he has a wealth of experience in global business and broad insight into such field and he has been fully demonstrating leadership as a member of the management team of the Company.

Attendance at board meetings (FY2023): 14/14